Poets and Minstrels is available as an archived show for two weeks from the original broadcast date. Click on the button below to listen to the latest archived shows.
Barbara Ford
Barbara Ford showed up at the KHEN radio station in August 2005, 3 weeks after she moved to Colorado from California. KHEN's invitation to join a community radio station and have her own radio program proved irresistible. In early May 2006 she was granted permission to convert her hour of world music into an hour of poetry. Poets and Minstrels appeared on the air for its inaugural show on May 18 and has aired weekly ever since. Reading the world's poetry to whoever tunes in is one of her great joys as well as a process of continual discovery.
Barbara has published her own poetry in a number of publications and has had two books published: Once Familiar, a poetry chapbook; and In Pursuit of Happenstance, a collaboration with artist Roberta Smith that pairs poems with imagery. In Pursuit was a finalist for a 2023 Colorado Book Award. She has been active in the local poetry community through the organization of poetry readings and workshops by featured poets. She has also presented her work at poetry festivals and conferences throughout Colorado. She is convinced that poetry is the Cosmic Glue that holds the universe together.
Poets and Minstrels
Thursdays 5 pm - 6 pm